This Is My WHY.

Why Boudoir Photography? Why does my soul burn with passion when I get to talk about my profession? Well, it all comes down to one belief that I have, is that it transforms you. It can either ignite a journey or immediately rise you up so high or somewhere in between. Nonetheless it simply transforms your views about yourself, it transforms you into a powerhouse and force not to be reckoned with. A force that rips through like a tornado, inspiring everyone around you as you pick them with your winds of enlightenment. The transformation I see in each person is the sweetest fulfillment, just knowing I have helped someone feel amazing and unstoppable is empowering for me. Their newly found confidence is next level!

Why though? Why does my profession do that? Because it's helping people shift their distorted views about themselves and find self-worth. The same distorted societal views about cellulite, body shapes, sexuality, being fit, not being fit, big, small, pale skin, dark skin, short hair, long hair. Anything and everything is judged in some way, claimed to be so bad that you start to believe it. Generations of propaganda from the beauty industry, fashion, religion, all giving us a sense of unworthiness so they can feed off us, give us reason to buy their products because "If you look this way or lose this weight you will find love or get that guy/girl". Targeting our biggest weakness as a human, our natural desire to be loved and wanted. Whilst my foremost desire is to help people relearn this way of thinking, my goal goes a little deeper than our exteriors.

Perth Boudoir

Why do I go deeper than body positivity? How is my work unique from other Boudoir Photographers in Perth? I always ask and suggest to everyone to explore their more sensual side through self-expression which can level from soft sensual posing through to explicit, implied or not. I believe it is important to see ourselves this way, because when we strip all our layers down, our sensuality is what keeps us feeling alive, passionate and loving. Embracing sensuality and sexuality opens new pathways for loving ourselves deeply, for who we are with no judgment or fear. We are naturally sexual human beings with needs, desires and fantasies; however, generations of societal views and purity culture have taught us it is wrong, and we are shamed for simply wanting pleasure or expressing our sexuality. Our human instincts want us to be sexually attractive and exciting, the very definition of the word, sexy. So, what all I want for every client is to feel sexually attractive to themselves, no one else.

Perth Boudoir
Perth boudoir
Perth Boudoir

“Beauty is to recognise how full of love you are. Sensuality is to let some of that love shine through your body”